Index of values
A | |
add [Collection.Map.PM] | |
add [Collection.Map.IM] | |
add [Collection.Set.PS] | |
add [Collection.Set.IS] | |
add_edge [MultiGraph.I] | add_edge g e adds the edge e to the multi-graph g .
add_edge [MultiGraph.P] | add_edge g e adds the edge e to the multi-graph g .
add_vertex [MultiGraph.I] | add_vertex g v adds the vertex v to the multi-graph g .
add_vertex [MultiGraph.P] | add_vertex g v adds the vertex v to the multi-graph g .
array_printer_from_printer [Print] | array_printer_from_printer sep printer returns a pretty-printer for arrays
of type 'a array , given a separator format sep and a pretty-printer
printer for values of type int * 'a .
B | |
backward [Sequence] | |
bwd_bfs [Search.Make] | bwd_bfs g initial final looks for a path from initial to final , by a
backward breadth-first exploration of the multi-graph g .
bwd_dfs [Search.Make] | bwd_dfs g initial final looks for a path from initial to final , by a
backward depth-first exploration of the multi-graph g .
C | |
cardinal [Collection.Set.S] | |
clear [Collection.Map.IM] | |
clear [Collection.Set.IS] | |
clear [Statistics] | |
compare [Search.G.Vertex] | |
compare [MultiGraph.G.Edge] |
Total ordering over edges.
compare [MultiGraph.G.Vertex] |
Total ordering over vertices.
compare [Uid.Make] | |
copy [Collection.Map.IM] | |
copy [Collection.Set.IS] | |
create [MultiGraph.G.Edge] | create v l v' creates a new edge from v to v' labeled with l .
create [MultiGraph.G.Vertex] | create l creates a new vertex labeled with l .
create [MultiGraph.I] | create n creates a new, empty multi-graph, with initial size n .
create [Collection.Map.IM] | |
create [Collection.Set.IS] | |
create [Uid.Make] | |
D | |
debug [Logger] |
Same as
log Debug .
del_edge [MultiGraph.I] | del_edge g e removes the edge e from the multi-graph g .
del_edge [MultiGraph.P] | del_edge g e removes the edge e from the multi-graph g .
del_vertex [MultiGraph.I] | del_vertex g v removes the vertex v from the multi-graph g .
del_vertex [MultiGraph.P] | del_vertex g v removes the vertex v from the multi-graph g .
E | |
elements [Collection.Set.S] | |
empty [MultiGraph.P] |
The empty multi-graph.
empty [Collection.Map.PM] | |
empty [Collection.Set.PS] | |
equal [MultiGraph.G.Edge] | equal e1 e2 tests whether e1 and e2 are the same edge, i.e.
equal [MultiGraph.G.Vertex] | equal v1 v2 tests whether v1 and v2 are the same vertex, i.e.
equal [Collection.Set.S] | |
equal [Uid.Make] | |
error [Logger] |
Same as
log Error .
F | |
filter [Sequence] | filter p s returns the sequence obtained from s by keeping only the
elements satisfying p .
filter [Collection.Set.PS] | |
find [Collection.Map.M] | |
flush [Logger] | flush () flushes all formatters used by this module.
fold [Collection.Map.M] | |
fold [Collection.Set.S] | |
fold_edges [MultiGraph.G] | fold_edges f g a returns (f eN ... (f e2 (f e1 a))...) , where e1, ...,
eN are the edges of g .
fold_pred [Search.G] | |
fold_pred [MultiGraph.G] | fold_pred f g v a returns (f eN ... (f e2 (f e1 a))...) , where e1,
..., eN are the inbound edges of v in g (i.e.
fold_succ [Search.G] | |
fold_succ [MultiGraph.G] | fold_succ f g v a returns (f eN ... (f e2 (f e1 a))...) , where e1,
..., eN are the outbound edges of v in g (i.e.
fold_vertices [MultiGraph.G] | fold_vertices f g a returns (f vN ... (f v2 (f v1 a))...) , where v1,
..., vN are the vertices of g .
forward [Sequence] | |
fwd_bfs [Search.Make] | fwd_bfs g initial final looks for a path from initial to final , by a
forward breadth-first exploration of the multi-graph g .
fwd_dfs [Search.Make] | fwd_dfs g initial final looks for a path from initial to final , by a
forward depth-first exploration of the multi-graph g .
H | |
hash [MultiGraph.G.Edge] |
Hashing function on edges.
hash [MultiGraph.G.Vertex] |
Hashing function on vertices.
hash [Uid.Make] | |
I | |
id [Uid.Make] | |
info [Logger] |
Same as
log Info .
is_empty [Sequence] | |
is_empty [Collection.Map.M] | |
is_empty [Collection.Set.S] | |
iter [Collection.Map.M] | |
iter [Collection.Set.S] | |
iter_edges [MultiGraph.G] | iter_edges f g applies f in turn to all edges of g .
iter_pred [Search.G] | |
iter_pred [MultiGraph.G] | iter_pred f g v applies f in turn to all inbound edges of v in
g (i.e.
iter_succ [Search.G] | |
iter_succ [MultiGraph.G] | iter_succ f g v applies f in turn to all outbound edges of v in
g (i.e.
iter_vertices [MultiGraph.G] | iter_vertices f g applies f in turn to all vertices of g .
L | |
lbl [MultiGraph.G.Edge] | lbl e returns the label of the edge e .
lbl [MultiGraph.G.Vertex] | lbl v returns the label of the vertex v .
length [Sequence] | |
lift_bin_fun [Uid.Make] | |
lift_bin_op [Uid.Make] | |
lift_una_fun [Uid.Make] | |
lift_una_op [Uid.Make] | |
list_printer_from_printer [Print] | list_printer_from_printer sep printer returns a pretty-printer for lists of
type 'a list , given a separator format sep and a pretty-printer printer
for values of type 'a .
log [Logger] | log level format arg1 ... argN either does nothing if level is strictly
below the current priority, or formats the arguments arg1 to argN
to format and outputs the resulting string otherwise.
M | |
map [Sequence] | map f s returns the sequence obtained by applying f on each element of
s .
mem [Collection.Map.M] | |
mem [Collection.Set.S] | |
mem_edge [MultiGraph.G] | mem_edge g e tests whether the multi-graph g contains the edge e .
mem_vertex [Search.G] | |
mem_vertex [MultiGraph.G] | mem_vertex g v tests whether the multi-graph g contains the vertex v .
N | |
nb_edges [MultiGraph.G] | nb_edges g returns the number of edges in the multi-graph g .
nb_vertices [MultiGraph.G] | nb_vertices g returns the number of vertices in the multi-graph g .
notice [Logger] |
Same as
log Notice .
O | |
of_array [Sequence] | of_array a is equivalent to (Array.to_list a, Forward, Array.length a) .
P | |
print [Sequence] | |
print [Statistics] | |
print [Print.PRINTABLE_TYPE] |
A pretty-printer for this type.
R | |
register_start [Statistics] | |
register_stop [Statistics] | |
remove [Collection.Map.PM] | |
remove [Collection.Map.IM] | |
remove [Collection.Set.PS] | |
remove [Collection.Set.IS] | |
report [Logger] |
Same as
log Report .
rev [Sequence] | |
S | |
set_priority [Logger] | set_priority level sets the current priority to level .
size [Collection.Map.M] | |
slog [Logger] | slog level format arg1 ... argN either does nothing if level is distinct
from the current priority, or formats the arguments arg1 to argN to
format and outputs the resulting string otherwise.
src [Search.G.Edge] | |
src [MultiGraph.G.Edge] | src e returns the source vertex of the edge e .
string_converter_from_printer [Print] |
Transform a pretty-printer into a string converter.
T | |
tgt [Search.G.Edge] | |
tgt [MultiGraph.G.Edge] | tgt e returns the target vertex of the edge e .
to_array [Sequence] | to_array s returns a fresh array containing the elements of s .
trace [Logger] |
Same as
log Trace .
V | |
value [Uid.Make] | |
W | |
warning [Logger] |
Same as
log Warning .