Module type MultiGraph.G

module type G = sig .. end
Signature specifying the common interface to all multi-graph implementations.

Multi-Graph Structure

include Print.PRINTABLE_TYPE
The printable type of multi-graphs.
module Vertex: sig .. end
Module to manage vertices.
module Edge: sig .. end
Module to manage edges.

Size Functions

val nb_vertices : t -> int
nb_vertices g returns the number of vertices in the multi-graph g.
val nb_edges : t -> int
nb_edges g returns the number of edges in the multi-graph g.

Membership Functions

val mem_vertex : t -> Vertex.t -> bool
mem_vertex g v tests whether the multi-graph g contains the vertex v.
val mem_edge : t -> Edge.t -> bool
mem_edge g e tests whether the multi-graph g contains the edge e.


The following iterators apply a given function f to some vertices (resp. to some edges) of a given multi-graph. Each vertex (resp. each edge) is passed at most once to the function f. The order in which the vertices (resp. the edges) are passed to f is unspecified.

Global Iterators

val iter_vertices : (Vertex.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
iter_vertices f g applies f in turn to all vertices of g.
val fold_vertices : (Vertex.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
fold_vertices f g a returns (f vN ... (f v2 (f v1 a))...), where v1, ..., vN are the vertices of g.
val iter_edges : (Edge.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
iter_edges f g applies f in turn to all edges of g.
val fold_edges : (Edge.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
fold_edges f g a returns (f eN ... (f e2 (f e1 a))...), where e1, ..., eN are the edges of g.

Local Iterators

val iter_succ : (Edge.t -> unit) -> t -> Vertex.t -> unit
iter_succ f g v applies f in turn to all outbound edges of v in g (i.e. all edges in g with source E.src e equal to v).
Precondition v is a vertex contained in g.

val fold_succ : (Edge.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> Vertex.t -> 'a -> 'a
fold_succ f g v a returns (f eN ... (f e2 (f e1 a))...), where e1, ..., eN are the outbound edges of v in g (i.e. the edges in g with source E.src e equal to v).
Precondition v is a vertex contained in g.

val iter_pred : (Edge.t -> unit) -> t -> Vertex.t -> unit
iter_pred f g v applies f in turn to all inbound edges of v in g (i.e. all edges in g with target E.tgt e equal to v).
Precondition v is a vertex contained in g.

val fold_pred : (Edge.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> Vertex.t -> 'a -> 'a
fold_pred f g v a returns (f eN ... (f e2 (f e1 a))...), where e1, ..., eN are the inbound edges of v in g (i.e. the edges in g with target E.tgt e equal to v).
Precondition v is a vertex contained in g.