Module MultiGraph.G.Edge

module Edge: sig .. end
Module to manage edges. Edges are values of type Edge.t and are shared by all multi-graphs.

include Print.PRINTABLE_TYPE
The printable type of edges.
module Label: Print.PRINTABLE_TYPE 
The printable type of edge labels.
val create : MultiGraph.G.Vertex.t -> Label.t -> MultiGraph.G.Vertex.t -> t
create v l v' creates a new edge from v to v' labeled with l. The resulting edge is distinct (w.r.t. to the equality predicate below) from all other edges managed by this module.
val src : t -> MultiGraph.G.Vertex.t
src e returns the source vertex of the edge e.
val tgt : t -> MultiGraph.G.Vertex.t
tgt e returns the target vertex of the edge e.
val lbl : t -> Label.t
lbl e returns the label of the edge e.

Edges are ordered (see Set.OrderedType or Map.OrderedType) and hashable (see Hashtbl.HashedType).
val compare : t -> t -> int
Total ordering over edges.
val equal : t -> t -> bool
equal e1 e2 tests whether e1 and e2 are the same edge, i.e. represent the same element in the set of edges. There may be multiple edges with the same end nodes and the same label.
val hash : t -> int
Hashing function on edges.