Extrapolation-based Path Invariants (long version)
Research Publications
Extrapolation-based Path Invariants for Abstraction Refinement of Fifo Systems¶
Alexander Heußner, Tristan Le Gall, Grégoire Sutre: "Extrapolation-based Path Invariants for Abstraction Refinement of Fifo Systems", LaBRI Rapport de Recherche RR-1459-09, Mai 2009
This is the long version of paper of the same title published at SPIN2009 - see local document page for details.
The latest version is also accessible via HAL http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00380517/ .
@TECHREPORT{heussner-a-2009--a, author = {{H}eu{\ss}ner, {A}lexander and {Le} {G}all, Tristan and {S}utre, {G}r{\'e}goire }, title = {{E}xtrapolation-based {P}ath {I}nvariants for {A}bstraction {R}e?nement of {F}ifo {S}ystems}, institution = {Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique}, year = {2009}, type = {{R}apport de {R}echerche}, number = {{RR}-1459-09}, month = {05}, day = {01}, language = {{E}nglish}, url = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00380517/en/}, note = { revised and extended version June 2011} }