Functor ScmWrapper.Make

module Make: 
functor (A : sig
val scm : Scm_syn.global_scm
end) -> Model.S
Functor providing an implementation of the Model.S interface for a given global SCM. Such a global SCM may be obtained with the following code, which reads the SCM from the standard input:

   let scm_lu = Frontend.parse_lexbuf
                  Format.std_formatter (Lexing.from_channel stdin)
   let scm_glob = Scm_prod.from_syntree scm_lu

A : sig val scm : Scm_syn.global_scm end

module Command: Model.COMMAND 
module Automaton: Model.AUTOMATON 
  with module Command = Command
module Semantics: Model.SEMANTICS 
  with module Command = Command
module Closure: Model.CLOSURE 
  with module Region = Semantics.Region
module State: Print.PRINTABLE_TYPE 
  with type t = Automaton.Location.t * Semantics.Region.t
val nb_init : int
val nb_error : int
val iter_init : (State.t -> unit) -> unit
val iter_error : (State.t -> unit) -> unit
val fold_init : (State.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
val fold_error : (State.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
val print_model : Format.formatter -> unit -> unit